Renga Command Line

The base command for interacting with the Renga platform.

renga (base command)

To list the available commands, either run renga with no parameters or execute renga help:

$ renga help
Usage: renga [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Check common Renga commands used in various situations.

  --version            Print version number.
  --config PATH        Location of client config files.
  --config-path        Print application config path.
  --path <path>        Location of a Renga repository.  [default: .]
  --renga-home <path>  Location of Renga directory.  [default: .renga]
  -h, --help           Show this message and exit.

  # [...]

Configuration files

Depending on your system, you may find the configuration files used by Renga command line in a different folder. By default, the following rules are used:

~/Library/Application Support/Renga

If in doubt where to look for the configuration file, you can display its path by running renga --config-path.

You can specify a different location via the RENGA_CONFIG environment variable or the --config command line option. If both are specified, then the --config option value is used. For example:

$ renga --config ~/renga/config/ init

instructs Renga to store the configuration files in your ~/renga/config/ directory when running the init command.

renga init

Create an empty Renga project or reinitialize an existing one.

Starting a Renga project

If you have an existing directory which you want to turn into a Renga project, you can type:

$ cd ~/my_project
$ renga init


$ renga init ~/my_project

This creates a new subdirectory named .renga that contains all the necessary files for managing the project configuration.

renga datasets

Work with datasets in the current repository.

Manipulating datasets

Creating an empty dataset inside a Renga project:

$ renga dataset create my-dataset

Adding data to the dataset:

$ renga dataset add my-dataset http://data-url

This will copy the contents of data-url to the dataset and add it to the dataset metadata.

renga run

Track provenance of data created by executing programs.

renga log

Show provenance of data created by executing programs.

renga workflow

Workflow operations.